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Public Safety Committee (DOC/Garner) Minutes
Special Meeting – September 20, 2011 at 5:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center (Meeting Room #1)
3 Primrose Street, Newtown CT

Members Present:  First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra; Warden Scott Semple and Deputy Warden Amonda Hannah from the Garner Correctional Facility; Jack O’Byrne, Nunnawauk Meadows; Michael Kehoe, Chief of Police; and Kevin Cragin, Board of Fire Commissioners.  Not Present:  Stephen Sedensky, Joy Previdi, Gino Faiella, and Mike Kelley.

First Selectmen Llodra convened the meeting at 5:00 p.m.

Approval of Minutes – Mr. O’Byrne motioned to approve the minutes of June 7, 2011.  Warden Semple seconded the motion.  The minutes were unanimously approved as written.  

Garner Correctional Facility Update

Warden Semple stated that the population of the facility is currently 664 (this includes 247 mental health, 246 general population, and 171 unsentenced).  

Warden Semple said the recent storm posed no major issues at the facility with minimal tree damage and minor flooding.  Their annual facility-wide shake down began this week where the entire facility is searched.  They recovered some contraband, with two more serious incidents where razor blades were found.  One inmate was charged with possession of a weapon within a correctional facility.  Other contraband found included “stingers” which are objects that are made and plugged into an electrical outlet.  Inmates generally use these to heat water for coffee or tea, but they are also potentially dangerous if used as a weapon or can pose a fire danger.  There was no drug contraband found.  

Warden Semple discussed the impact of the layoffs.  He said initially 17 correction officers and three supervisors were scheduled to be laid off because of the concession agreement.  The correction officers were not laid off but the three supervisors were let g.  They were part of a different bargaining unit (which voted against the concession plan).  One supervisor is returning and there is a potential to recover the other two supervisors.  The decision is determined by central office.  Ms. Llodra said then that the bargaining units that voted against the concession plan took a greater hit than the other bargaining units.  Warden Semple agreed and said because of retirements, they were able to fill those positions.  

Ms. Llodra asked about the prison population.  Warden Semple said they are close to maximum and that the gym is being used as an overflow unit.  They currently have 56 inmates in that unit which has the capacity to hold 60.  Ms. Llodra asked if the overflow is caused by other prisons being closed.  Warden Semple explained that those facilities closed held sentenced offenders and the influx overflow are primarily from the unsentenced population.  He said historically there is an increase in the sentenced population after the holidays and that it is not uncommon to have a spike this time of year for the unsentenced population.  

Chief Kehoe asked if the state-wide population is lower from last year.  Warden Semple said that the entire prison population is lower and discussed the new legislation regarding the Risk Reduction Earned Credits program.  They anticipate the population to continue on a downward trend.  An inmate who is eligible for this program will receive up to five days of credit per month if they comply with program provisions and present no disciplinary issues.  Some offenders are not eligible for this program based on the nature of their sentence or other more complicated matters such as mandatory minimum sentences.  

Ms. Llodra asked when they foresee having the overflow population be moved from the gym.  Warden Semple said as cases are moved forward and bonds can be met, room will be made at the facilities and inmates can be moved from the overflow areas.  He said New Haven, Hartford, Bridgeport jails are running at capacity, which has forced the overflow component.

Ms. Llodra asked what problems are posed by having the gym unavailable.  Warden Semple said it can pose a problem during the winter months if the gym is still unavailable, but that they will make alternative arrangements.  He said they have dealt with this before and have other areas in the building for recreation activities.

Ms. Llodra discussed concerns over the Everbridge System, stating that she heard from the head of the Emergency Operations Team that it did not work well during the storm.  The Everbridge call backup was at least four hours behind and if the Town had accessed that system (with the intention of using it for a general call distribution), there would have been at least a four hour lag time after a request was made.  She heard that by the time some of the calls were received the information was already outdated and irrelevant.  She feels the system shows great promise and she would like to promote this system, but not if the system cannot handle something similar to the recent event.  Warden Semple will send an e-mail to Joe Carlone so he is aware of these concerns.  Ms. Llodra said Code Red is the current notification system that the town uses, but they want the capacity to do both Everbridge and Code Red.  

Old Business

Chief Kehoe asked the Warden whether a list can be drawn from the system’s database in order to review to make sure all the necessary town officials are on it.  Warden Semple said that in addition to the town-wide list that would include all the residents, etc., there will be a smaller, more specific list that would include specific town officials and emergency response personnel.  This group would be provided with more detailed emergency response information, the same information that the Warden would receive.  He said that they can provide Chief Kehoe a list on a consistent basis (i.e., quarterly) for review.  

New Business

The new Deputy Warden for Programs and Treatment, Amonda Hannah, was welcomed by the committee.  She provided an overview of her background and experience within the DOC.

Without further discussions Mr. Cragin motioned to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Mr. O’Byrne.  The meeting adjourned at 5:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk